From the Possessor of November 2nd
Controlling your spawn point. Apparently that’s the message. Everyday you wake up is a new spawn point. You spawn into the game of life as a new player every single day. Yesterday is not you. Tomorrow is not you. They go by different names. Yesterday, November 1st controlled the body. Tomorrow will be November 3rd’s turn. I exist only for today. After today, I am dead. My name is not my name. I am merely November 2nd. My purpose is to set a good spawn point for the possessor the day after me, whose purpose will be all the same.
Although, in pursuing this purpose, one must not neglect to enjoy his present existence. If I neglect my present existence, I will dishonor the efforts of past possessors who came in the days, week, months and so on before me. I must remain ever thankful for the opportunities they allow me, while also being mindful of the responsibilities they leave me. Honestly speaking, some of these responsibilities are indeed leftover tasks from the failures of my predecessors to act on their goals. This is the other side of imbalance. Too much priority on enjoying the present moment leads to making life harder for the person who follows you tomorrow. This is the sin of procrastination, a sing that leaves your future self in an unfair situation. This is the importance of carrying your brunt of the load, to ensure that your future self spawns in with a balance of responsibility and opportunity. Care for your present self, and care for your brother tomorrow. These acts may go hand-in-hand, or they may be in conflict.
I have not been looking out for my brothers. Or rather, my past brothers have not been looking out for us. They have so far left responsibilities on the table, instead choosing to run the hedonic treadmill hours and hours on end. This is not a good use of our 24 hours of existence. For myself and the future possessors, we must learn how not to repeat these mistakes. Naturally, that is the value we gain from failure.
Forgiveness and understanding must therefore be reserved for the possessors of the past, especially recently. I realize that the last three weeks of possessors have been clawing their way out of a depressive rut. This is a difficult challenge, one in which they scrambled each day after another to find the right way back to stability. Early on, the momentum led them downward, deeper into misery, until the beneficial routines built up throughout the year by possessors long before had begun to fall apart. This body has not gone to the gym for a month. This body has not eat three decent meals in a day for much, much longer. This body has not practiced the skills meaningful to him, such as writing and learning languages and studying art like music and shows and movies. This body has not been taking care of itself.
Luckily, possessors of the last few days have found resources to spur this life onto a better trajectory. October 22nd scheduled a one-time therapy appointment, which gave him knowledge about group therapy events we future possessors can take advantage of. October 27th started watching Dr. Alok Kanojia’s YouTube videos about psychological health, feeding all possessors in the days since some new perspectives on their spawn points and goals for existence. October 28th asked some cousins if he could join them for Halloween, allowing October 31st to benefit from social interaction. October 29th bought a journal from a bookstore, albeit at the cost of $35. November 1st wrote a song, giving me proof that I am capable of doing the same.
it is from the efforts of these previous possessors that I, November 2nd, feel strong enough to take different strides towards improvement, empowered that I can influence the state of affairs for my brothers of tomorrow. It is here that I can reflect on today’s activities.
Evidently, I have made the first entry into October 29th’s purchased journal. Thank you, October 29th, for this gift. In beginning this project, I hope to allow future possessors to reflect on their circumstances—the state of affairs left to them and the responsibilities they have toward their future selves. Here, I will record the progress made in my 24 hours of existence, express gratitude for the possessor of yesterday, and outline my hopes for the possessor of tomorrow. All other possessors shall follow the same routine after me.
To November 3rd,
I began this journal for you. Writing is a fun experience, and I highly recommend you try it for yourself, especially since you inherit a Sunday and have no conflicting affairs to attend to.
I have essentially completed the research proposal we need for Psych Statistics. I am about to submit it as a final draft, though I do worry its evident flaws might dock the grade a significant bit. Still, I think you can trust me to earn something at least satisfactory. The important part is you don’t have to worry about completing it. It’s off the table. Just focus on writing the 100-word peer feedback portion of your lab assignment once your group members make their comments.
I have researched and practiced a short routine for strengthening the lower back, as I notice the body has a nagging pain there that refuses to go away. Please repeat the routine tomorrow, whether your low back hurts or not. Strengthening the lower back will greatly aid future possessors’ attempts to get this body back into the gym. You don’t have to do leg day tomorrow just because it’s Sunday. Just do the back routine, and you’ll have your base covered.
Lastly, write another song. I am purposefully neglecting to do it today because I feel like I’ve done enough. Use the momentum November 1st left us to propel you forward on this project. My memory indicates he had a great experience with it, so I expect the same for you—provided you don’t get too perfectionistic about it. That’s the issue with this mind. There is a clear gap between our aspirations and our actual skill, and it’s our job to close it over the course of time.
Best of luck,
November 2nd.